I haven't been able to find some time to write lately because things have been so nutty! I don't even know how to describe where the past few months have gone.

The weather has felt incredibly wonky here lately. One day it is 70 degrees, the next it is snowing! I am the person who truly loves spring and I am kinda tired of the cold. I also wish it rained here more. That is the one thing I truly miss from home. I am in love with the rain and I feel happy in the rain. Those beautiful spring always puts me in the best of moods. Part of that is the sound that it makes and also the smell that the earth has at the end of the storm. The sound of the pitter patter on the windows makes for a nice chorus to read to and drink some tea.

My love and I have also booked the most amazing trip that I could think of. Growing up, my folks gave my brother and me the most amazing opportunity to see this country and understand the amazing history that our ancestors traveled so hard to procure for their family. They wanted a new life and a new opportunity and I thank them for that. It has given me such a great sense of history and pride in where I came from. It is part of the reason I am in the career I am in today. But for the first time in my life, I am able to cross the Atlantic and see Europe. My love and I have booked a trip to Paris!! I am already thinking of so many things to do but just to see the history there as well excites me! One of the things we will do is to put our names on a lock and toss the key into the river. It is the Love Lock Bridge and I think it is one of the most romantic things I can think of. It will be an amazing adventure. It is still a dream to me and I don't know if it will be real until we board the plane.

I was inspired by two students today. I took time out of my busy busy schedule to spend some time with two students: one studying Margaret Brown, the other Titanic. They had such great questions and were so engaged with me about the information I was telling them. They asked why I do what I do, and my answer was them. I am a historian and educator because of my parents teaching me the value of history and me wanting to do that to not only to my children one day but to those who come through the front door of the house. Every student who comes through and tells me they want to be me one day makes me understand even more what I do. I judge at History Day contests throughout Colorado as well (4 or 5 this year I think) and seeing these future historians makes my heart smile. :)
I guess I babbled a bit in this but my head has been in a million places lately.
But I know that love is around me and I cherish that. <3