We were glued to our tvs all day. My roommate found out her aunt was on the plane that hit the second tower. I would later find out that my pastor from back home was on the other side of the pentagon. Towards the middle of the afternoon, our RA made us leave our rooms to go down to the cafeteria. We had been watching the news all day, doing nothing else. I was talking on AIM but otherwise, my eyes were glued to the tv. When we got to the cafeteria, I never heard something so quiet. No talking, no laughing, nothing. We went to bed that night wondering what the hell just happened.
Years have gone by but I will never forget that day. The town my parents live in has a silent parade every year. The emergency vehicles drive with their lights on but no sirens, to remember those we lost. A small ceremony is held afterward. I have seen it once and it is a moving experience. I have done something else to remember the day. For four years now, we go to Red Rocks in Morrison, CO to participate in the 9/11 stair climb. It has become an amazing remembrance of all those that were lost that day. It is a physical challenge, 110 stories, the height of the World Trade Center. Even though I am tired at the end, it is nothing like the challenge the men and women on 9/11 went through.
It is a day that will forever stick in my mind, like a lot of people in this world. But we must not forget other major days in our history: Pearl Harbor, Oklahoma City, and last year's attack on Benghazi. We need to remember those lost that day as well.
We should never forget yet always remember that day. But as well, remember September 12th, when we came together, when we stood up to those who tried to hurt us, when we were true Americans!
God Bless America!!
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