Friday, February 8, 2013

Put a ring on it

I was chatting with a friend last night who currently lives in Montana.  She is coming back to town next week for a job here.  I applied for a job in the same building and I am hoping that I get it.  If I do, we chatted about having lunch outside at the café they have there and checking out guys for her.  She made a comment on how they would be all looking at me, which I disagree with!   So I told her that I would wear a fake ring so they would know I am off limits. 

I am off limits.  I have been with the same amazing man for over three years and it has been an amazing journey.   I don't know where our journey is headed but I am looking forward to it.  Every so often I wear a fake ring because I don't enjoy being hit on.  I have been hit on by men and women, had my ass grabbed, heard some of the corniest pick up lines and been on the receiving end of some of the most awkward winks.  It is just another reason I wear the fake ring.  I realize that I am not the only gal out there who does this. 

These thoughts came into my brain because I have become a master of looking for the ring on the finger.  In my single days, I could pick out a married guy over a single one any day.  My friend mentioned I should teach a class or write a book or something.  But then I got to thinking, some women put so much into the engagement ring or wedding band that they seem to lose all meaning.  My future engagement ring belonged to my great-grandmother and it has an interesting story behind it.  It is not big.  It is not flashy.  It is sentimental.  When I receive it one day, it will mean more to me then a huge flashy chunk of jewelry.  I have seen women and have worked with others who think their ring defines them and makes them better then others.  It's not about the ring, it is a symbol of love and the life built together.  It also isn't about the wedding it is about the marriage. 

I guess my point is that people put too much emphasis on material things.  I have items that are precious to me and I would never want to lose.  Most of these are family heirlooms or memories from trips and journeys I have been on.  There are other things, however, that are just things.  I never wanted the huge house, the fanciest car or the biggest diamonds.  I am more into the memories and the people that are in my life.  The snapshots that show the journey I have been on, the people who have been there with me and the direction I am heading in the future. 

I always say it's all about the love! <3

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