Monday, September 17, 2012

I wish...

A lot of changes have been happening over the past few months and I was advised to start a blog.  A friend of mine asked me, "if you could do anything, what would you do?".  I immediatly said "a writer".  I love to read and research.  I would be thrilled to spend my life in the stacks of the library and traveling to do my research.  This is my start...

Through everything that has happened, I have seen the truly horrible side of people and the most wonderful side of others.  I have left a toxic environment and I am searching for a more optimistic one.  I have left people behind me who no longer have purpose in my journey.  But through all of this, I wish the best.

I wish the best for the world as a whole. I would love to see a world without hate or violence, but that will never happen.  I wish for a community where a simple hello and a smile will change someones day.  I wish the best for those who I love but I pray for those who I don't. 

I wish for more love in the world.  Anyone who knows me understands that I am all about the love.  I don't like to dislike someone unless I am pushed to it. The list is very short, but there is a small list of people I wish to never speak to again.  But the list of those I care about in my life is so much longer. 

So these wishes, whether small or large, make me a part of who I am.  A small wish can make the world go round, as long as love is behind it.  I am thankful for my family and the support that they give me.  I am thankful for my love who is my rock and a constant support through all the hard times.  I am thankful for friends who I have known for years or those I have just met.  Without all these people, I wouldn't be the person I am. 

Thank you for listening to my musings.  I hope to write daily, but I am not going to promise.  Thoughts may come to me and I might have a lot to share. 

I always remember....sometimes, all you need is love!

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